School Directors

Simone Caiello

Università di Milano-Bicocca

Bio: Simone Caiello, PhD in Urban Studies (Urbeur), is a fellow researcher at the Department of Sociology and Social Research of the University of Milan-Bicocca. He is member of the CEMTET research center, dedicated to mobility, tourism and the territory and of the Multilingual Multidisciplinary Research Center (“Space, Displacement and Mobility” axis) of the University of Paris Nanterre. He conducts research on the challenges of metropolitan development and sustainable mobility, with particular attention to walkability through the application of GIS analysis techniques, on which he also holds teaching positions. Currently he works in the framework of the National Center for Sustainable Mobility on MaaS (Mobility as a Service) and innovative mobility solutions.


Matteo Colleoni

Università di Milano-Bicocca

Bio: Matteo Colleoni is full professor of Urban Studies at the University of Milan-Bicocca, where he also holds the position of Rectoral Delegate for Sustainability and University Mobility Manager. Coordinator of the technical table on mobility management of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, he carries out study and research activities on the topics of the structure and transformation of urban areas, mobility and transport, sustainability and sustainable development and urban policies. Among his latest monographs and curations can be mentioned “Understanding Mobilities for Designing Contemporary Cities”, Springer, 2016; “Mobility and urban transformations. The morphology of the contemporary metropolis”, Franco Angeli, Milan, 2019; “Territories in the balance: social cohesion and sustainable development in the polycentric metropolis. Il Mulino, Bologna, 2022.


Caterina A. M. La Porta

Università degli Studi di Milano

Bio: Caterina A. M. La Porta is professor of general pathology, group leader of the Oncolab Laboratory ( of the Department of Environmental Science and Policy and member of the steering committee of the Center for Complexity and Biosystems (, of the Innovation For Well-Being And Environment  Center and of the  Center for Molecular chemio-prevention (CMCP) of chronic degenerative diseases  (CDS) at the University of Milan.  She is also the coordinator of the interdisciplinary laboratory  “Integrative approach for Global Health” since 2022. Prof. La Porta is included in the list of the World’s Top 2% Cited Scientists 2023 by Stanford University. She spent many periods abroad collaborating with many international universities and research institutes including MIT, Cornell University, the Weizmann Institute of Science, Aalto University and LMU In Germany. In 2017, she was selected among the “100 experts” the top women scientists in Italy  (  She was trained as a general pathologist and cell biologist and spent most of her career trying to understand basic phenomena in biological sciences, initially in neuroscience and later on in cancer using molecular biology and cell biology approaches. The main focus of her group is to understand cancer heterogeneity and in particular melanoma and breast cancer, one of the most aggressive tumors. In the last fifteen years, she shifted her interests to quantitative biology and digital medicine. She studied the emergent properties of cancer by developing algorithms able to catch quantitatively the dynamics of the complex regulatory networks of the cell (Ariadne, Stella). She published more than 150 publications contributing to the fields of digital medicine, cancer plasticity, computational biology, system biology, neuroscience, biophysics and biomaterials. In 2017, she wrote a textbook on the “Physics of Cancer” published by Cambridge University Press. A natural consequence of her work on cancer heterogeneity with big data has been the birth of the spinoff and innovative startup COMPLEXDATA in June 2018, where she serves as CEO and president of the governing board.


Stefano Zapperi

Università degli Studi di Milano

Bio: Stefano Zapperi is currently professor of theoretical condensed matter physics at the University of Milano and coordinator of the Center for Complexity and Biosystems. He graduated in physics at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” and received his Ph. D. in physics from Boston University. After a postdoctoral position at ESPCI in Paris, he became tenured researcher at INFM at the University Rome and then at the University Modena and Reggio Emilia. He became then senior researcher at CNR-IENI in Milano. He has been invited as visiting scientist or visiting professor in many institutions worldwide, including Cornell University, Aalto University, ENS Paris and Lyon, Boston College, Rice University, FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg, LMU Munich and the Weizmann Institute of Science. Prof. Zapperi in an expert in the statistical physics of complex systems and has contributed to the fields of materials science, biophysics and systems biology. His most notable contributions include the theory of the Barkhausen noise in magnets, the statistical physics of plasticity and fracture, and recent work on the physics of cancer and protein aggregation. He published more than 200 scientific papers in the top scientific journals. In 2017, he co-authored with Caterina La Porta a book on the Physics of Cancer and in 2022 he published a book on Crackling Noise. Prof. Zapperi is the recipient of numerous awards including the Marie Curie Excellence Award, the Humboldt Research Award, an Advanced and Proof-of-Concept Grant from the European Research Council. He was elected fellow of the American Physical Society and named Finland Distinguished Professor by the Academy of Finland.