
José S. Andrade

Universidade Federal do Cearà, Brasil

Bio: José Soares de Andrade Jr. is a Full Professor of Physics at Universidade Federal do Ceará in Fortaleza, Brazil. He was a Visiting Scholar at Boston University and a Visiting Professor (Gastprofessor) at ETH in Switzerland. His main research interests are in the areas of Statistical Physics, Computational Physics, and Complex Systems, with an emphasis on complex networks, percolation theory, critical phenomena and phase transitions, transport phenomena in irregular and disordered systems, computational fluid dynamics, pulmonary physiology, and city science.



Marc Barthelemy

CEA Saclay and EHESS Paris, France

Marc Barthelemy is a former student of the Ecole Normale Superieure of Paris (rue d’Ulm). After his thesis on random walks in random media, Marc focused on disordered systems and their properties, and since 1992, he has held a permanent position at the CEA. Marc is now Research Director at the Institute of Theoretical Physics (IPhT) in Saclay and a member of the Center of Social Analysis and Mathematics (CAMS) at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS). His research interests moved towards applications of statistical physics to complex systems such as  complex and spatial networks, and theoretical epidemiology. Focusing on both data analysis and modeling with the tools of statistical physics, Marc is also working on various aspects of the science of cities, including urban morphology, transport networks and mobility, scaling in cities, etc.  Marc published 160+ papers in international journals, and various books for Cambridge University Press (Structure and Dynamics of Cities, 2016), Springer (Morphogenesis of Spatial Networks, 2018; Spatial networks, 2022),  Oxford University Press (Statistics and Dynamics of Urban Populations, 2023),  and for the french publisher Odile Jacob (Le monde des réseaux, 2023).


Marta Gonzales

Berkeley, USA

Associate Professor of City and Regional Planning and Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley,  
and a Physics Research faculty in the Energy Technology Area (ETA) at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab).

She works in the urban science space, focusing on the intersections between people within social networks and the built and natural environments. Her goal is to design urban solutions through new technologies. To that end, she has developed tools that impact transportation research and discovered novel approaches to model human mobility and the adoption of energy technologies. Statistical physics of complex systems and network science informs her scientific approach. Gonzalez’s research includes applying big data to understanding human network behavior, with applications in transportation networks, energy efficiency planning, and disease proliferation characterization.

Prior to joining Berkeley, Marta worked as an Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at MIT, a member of the Operations Research Center and the Center for Advanced Urbanism. She is a member of the scientific council of technology companies such as Gran Data, PTV and the Pecan Street Project consortium.

Giuseppe Longhi

CC&B Milano and IUVAV, Venezia

Is economist and urban planner, he was a professor of urban planning at the IUAV. He currently collaborates in strategic scenarios for the project “Venezia Città Campus”, and manage a complex international research network. His research field concerns the urban effects of digital technologies and sustainable development.

Carlos Moreno

Paris – Sorbonne, Paris, France

Carlos Moreno is Scientific director of the Chair Entrepreneurship Territory Innovation (IAE Paris – Sorbonne Business School, Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University). He earned international recognition as a scientist with an innovative mind, pioneer works and his unique approach on urban issues. He is also a scientific advisor of national and international figures of the highest level. He works at the heart of issues of international significance as a result of his research, bringing an innovative perspective on urban issues and offering solutions to the issues faced by the cities, metropolises and territories during the 21st century. Some of his concepts traveled the world: the ‘Human Smart City’, the ’15-Minute City’, the ’30-Minute Territory’. In 2022, he is leading the launch of the Global Observatory of proximities at the World Urban Forum with UN-Habitat, C40 Cities, UCLG and other partners.


Luca Pappalardo

CNR, Pisa, Italy

Luca Pappalardo, born in sunny Salerno, Italy, is a senior researcher at the National Research Council of Italy (CNR) in rainy Pisa. With a degree in Computer Science, Luca started exploring massive datasets of human movements, publishing several papers on human mobility analysis and modelling, some of which became classics of the field. In a natural evolution of his research trajectory, Luca shifted focus to the pressing issue of urban congestion, pioneering efforts centered on designing innovative routing strategies that balance individual travel optimization with the collective well-being of a city. Luca is now broadening his scope to address the profound impact of AI on complex systems in realms like social media, conversational systems, online retail and, of course, urban environments. His overarching goal is to design next-generation algorithms that balance the individual needs of users with broader collective objectives using tools at the intersection of computer science, network science, and computational social science.

Sabrina Righi

Unversità Iuav di Venezia 

Is Phd Candidate in architecture at Unversità Iuav di Venezia where she graduated in 2019 (Thesis: “Urbicide Mosul: public hierarchy as a trigger for reconstruction”) Her main research interests are in urban reconstruction and strategic urban design of territories affected by social, economic and climatic pressures. She’s currently teaching assistant at Iuav in courses of urban design and a research associate of Urbicide Task Force, dealing with themes of strategic and sustainable reconstruction.

Francesco Rossi

Università Iuav di Venezia

Is Professor of Mathematical Analysis at Università Iuav di Venezia since 2023. He received a PhD in Applied Mathematics at SISSA Trieste – Université de Bourgogne in 2009. He then held positions in Marseille and Padova. His main research interests are the analysis and control of large-scale systems, with a focus on crowd modeling. He is currently the coordinator of C.SCARPA, a research center in IUAV, where he develops a project of mathematical modeling of cities.

Andrea Tilche

NTNU Trondheim – Università di Bologna

Problems and opportunities of decarbonising cities

Water scientist, after 20 years of scientific career in Italy mainly at ENEA, where he founded and directed in Bologna the Wastewater treatment laboratory, from 1998 to 2018 has worked at the European Commission where he has been for long time in charge of the European research programmes on climate change, also representing the European Union at the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). During the Draghi government (2021-229, he worked as expert of the ecological transition with the Italian Ministry of Ecological Transition and with the Ministry of Sustainable Infrastructure and Mobility. He is currently Adjunct Professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, and teaches “Technologies for the Energy Transition” in an international Master course of the University of Bologna. 

Author of numerous scientific publications, he recently published (in Italian) as main editor a book on “zero climate impact cities” addressing the problems of the 100 municipalities participating in the Mission “100 Climate neutral and smart cities by 2030” launched by the European Commission.

Elisa Vendemini

Università IUAV di Venezia

Is a postdoc researcher at Università IUAV di Venezia where she obtained a PhD in architecture in 2023. Her main research interests are in sustainable regeneration and reconstruction of urban spaces affected by social, environmental, climatic and economic pressures. She’s currently teaching assistant at IUAV and Università degli Studi della Repubblica di San Marino. She is also an associate researcher at FEEM (Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei), Urbicide Task Force and cofounder of HIC (Heritage International Consulting)




